The Stance – Building Proper Bowling Technique And An Ideal Bowling Approach

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Step By Step On How To Create Ideal Body Positioning For Bowling

Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to try and help you understand a little more about the physical game of bowling. There are many unique styles. And not any one of them are necessarily wrong. You can merely look on the PBA Tour and see many distinctive yet successful physical games. From Don Carter’s bent elbow, Marshall Holman’s long slide, Jason Couch’s extremely high backswing, to now Jason Belmonte and the two handed delivery. But I will say that there are certain techniques and positions that may be easier to execute and be more consistent from shot to shot.

How To Start The Bowling Approach – The Stance

The first installment of the physical game we are going to look at the stance. Having the correct stance is important to make sure we start our movement towards the foul line correctly. I see way too many bowlers getting into what I would consider awkward positions. Bent too far forward, knees flexed way too much, angling their body far right or left. To me the stance should be natural and comfortable.

Make Sure To Stand Tall

Leaning to far forward in the stance will almost always make you too far forward at the foul line. Slight bend in the knees- You can flex as much as you want as long as you’re able to maintain that flex through the entire approach. Usually, the first thing I see with bowlers that have too much flex in the knees is their first move is standing back up as they take their first step.

Balance Your Weight

Weight should be evenly distributed on both feet. Your feet should also be slightly staggered. If right-handed, your right foot should be a couple of inches further back than your left. Another way of looking at it is to have your right tow at the instep of your left foot.

Bowling Ball Position

The height of the bowling ball should right around waist high. an inch or two higher or lower is fine. The ball and arm should be in line with the seam of your shirt at your shoulder. If someone were to stand behind you directly behind your throwing shoulder, they should not be able to see the ball. Holding the ball farther left or right of this position inhibits a straight push away.

I also recommend having your non-throwing hand help hold the ball in your stance. This takes some of the muscle and tension out of your throwing arm to help ensure a smooth push away and arm swing. About 20%-30% of the weight of the ball should be in the opposite hand.

Shoulders In The Stance

Should be slightly tilted down towards your throwing arm.

Head Position

Should be slightly tilted towards the throwing shoulder.

On the next installment of the physical game, we will look at the first step push away. If you have any questions about the stance or if you have any topics you would like me to cover, please email me at [email protected] Make sure to visit us online at or any of our over 50 retail Stores

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3 thoughts on “The Stance – Building Proper Bowling Technique And An Ideal Bowling Approach

  1. Pingback: The First Step and Pushaway – The Ideal Bowling Approach Position Explained - Coaching Corner with John Gaines - Bowling Blog

  2. Pingback: Second Step of the Approach – The Ideal Bowling Approach Position Explained - Coaching Corner with John Gaines - Bowling Blog

  3. Pingback: The Finish Position – The Ideal Bowling Approach Position Explained - Coaching Corner with John Gaines - Bowling Blog

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