Why Every Bowler Needs A Pre Shot Routine By MDM Bowling Coaching

Pro Tip Friday: Every Bowler needs a Pre-Shot Routine

Pro Tip Friday: Every Bowler needs a Pre-Shot RoutineBowling is all about repeating shots. If you are doing something differently every time you get up to roll a ball, you're not going to be very consistent. I hate when people say “it's 80% physical and 20% mental” or whatever they want to say. You have to give 100% physically in order to roll the ball properly and 100% mentally in order to focus on the task at hand. You need your mind to get you on "auto-pilot" so that your body can do what it's supposed to do every single time.Every hand eye coordinated game has a Pre Shot Routine (PSR). You need make a checklist in your head of what you want to do before you roll a ball. From picking up the ball to visualizing it hooking on the lane, think about the things that get you set before you throw a shot.After we’ve established fundamentals, I ask all of my students to create their own PSR. My own PSR is:1. Dry my hand over the fan at the ball return (if they work lol)2. Wipe the oil off the ball with a towel3. Check my slide shoe with my hand to make sure I got nothing on it4. Visualize my ball going down the lane and rolling into the pins the proper way5. In my setup, I look down and my hand in the ball to make sure I'm in the correct position for what I want to do with the ball.6. Before I start my approach, I take a deep slow breath to calm myself down and take my first two steps slow.You can see in the video, that I’m doing my PSR in what is arguably the highest stress situation I’ve experienced. I was on my 34th strike in a row and needed to remain calm. While I didn’t get all 36 that night, I did go on to break the Florida State 4 game record (1179), which I could not have done without a consistent mental game. Given the power our minds have over our performance, it’s worth spending some real time developing strategies that support success, like a PSR. #protipfriday #mdmcoaching

Posted by MDM Coaching on Wednesday, May 30, 2018


A Pre Shot Routine Is Essential For Repeating Shots In Bowling

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Bowling is all about repeating shots. If you are doing something differently every time you get up to roll a ball, you’re not going to be very consistent. I hate when people say “it’s 80% physical and 20% mental” or whatever they want to say. You have to give 100% physically in order to roll the ball properly and 100% mentally in order to focus on the task at hand. You need your mind to get you on “auto-pilot” so that your body can do what it’s supposed to do every single time.

Every hand eye coordinated game has a Pre Shot Routine (PSR). You need make a checklist in your head of what you want to do before you roll a ball. From picking up the ball to visualizing it hooking on the lane, think about the things that get you set before you throw a shot.

My Pre Shot Routine Is A Checklist

After we’ve established fundamentals, I ask all of my students to create their own PSR. My own PSR is:

1. Dry my hand over the fan at the ball return (if they work lol)

2. Wipe the oil off the ball with a towel with a towel or shammy

3. Check my slide shoe with my hand to make sure I got nothing on it

4. Visualize my bowling ball going down the lane and rolling into the pins the proper way

5. In my setup, I look down and my hand in the ball to make sure I’m in the correct position for what I want to do with the ball.

6. Before I start my approach, I take a deep slow breath to calm myself down and take my first two steps slow.

You can see in the video, that I’m doing my PSR in what is arguably the highest stress situation I’ve experienced. I was on my 34th strike in a row and needed to remain calm. While I didn’t get all 36 that night, I did go on to break the Florida State 4 game record (1179), which I could not have done without a consistent mental game. Given the power our minds have over our performance, it’s worth spending some real time developing strategies that support success, like a PSR. #protipfriday #mdmcoaching

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